As many of you know, Arian has been designing like crazy, specifically working on Pocket-Tactics. So what better way for him to enter the contest than to create a few larger than life versions of Black Dynamite, some of his enemies, and New York themed tiles and turn Black Dynamite into Pocket-Tactics. In 2 days. And so Black Dynamite: Throwdown Showdown was born.
He didn't do it alone, mind you. Jeremy has been busy working on the models for another Pocket-Tactics faction for future release and Laurel has been coordinating schedules for our Kickstarter video, which we recorded this weekend. But Black Dynamite was Arian's focus, so he enlisted the brilliant help of his little brother, Cameron, to create some 2D art (in MS Paint!!) to accompany his contest submission.
Talented family, right??
So, all those long, manic hours of designing, printing, and painting paid off yesterday when the MakerBot blog announced their big winner, complete with a footnoted disclaimer that they're really and truly not in cahoots with Arian somehow - their last two posts have been about his work on Pocket-Tactics.
We're looking forward to some swag, but really just more recognition about our little game is the best part of the win. Stay tuned for more news soon - about our Pocket-Tactics contest winner and the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
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