Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 9, 2012

Luxor Amun Rising HD [UPDATED-FINAL]

 Luxor Amun Rising HD [UPDATED-FINAL]| 37 MB

Glory and Adventure await as you return to save Ancient Egypt from certain doom. In this sequel to the runaway hit action-puzzle game, you must defeat the rebellious Princes of Megiddo before they overthrow the Pharaoh and plunge the Two Lands into chaos. Once again, the challenge will not be an easy one as you battle through 88 awesome levels.

88 explosive levels.
Exciting scorpion power-ups.
Non-stop action and puzzle solving.

UPDATE! New PC version available! August 7, 2012
We have a new version of Luxor Amun Rising up and ready for you now. This update:

• Updates the graphics and makes them HD as well.


 thanx to VELOCITY

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